GOP Proposal to Only Cut Spending by $31 Billion

GOP Proposal to Only Cut Spending by $31 Billion
The Reader's Turn

The almost $2 trillion increase in spending to contend with the COVID emergency was supposed to be temporary. To make it now permanent is not only incredibly dishonest on the face of it, but is so fiscally irresponsible as to be practically criminal. I say this because nothing will destroy the welfare of a nation faster than to destroy its currency, which nearly all members of Congress, to all appearances, are hell bent on doing.

But no, if all the GOP is willing to cut spending by is a miniscule $31 billion, they must first begin at the spending level we were at prior to COVID, which was around some $4 trillion plus several billion in change. Continuing to spend at emergency COVID levels, which is near $7 trillion, is what caused the 40-year inflation rates at the beginning of the Biden administration; an administration that was just handed a most humiliating defeat by the voters.

Most unfortunately it, therefore, seems that when it comes to spending, both parties are like Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff. Thelma, represented by the Democrats, wants to keep the accelerator on the floor, while Louise, the Republican, pushes Thelma aside and then lifts the accelerator by only a few inches. God help us! There is practically no one in charge who even thinks they have to do what’s necessary, which is, obviously, to slam down on the brake. No, just keep going forward until the Titanic hits the iceberg and then see what we can do afterward. Happy swimming!

Did all members of Congress study under professors Cloward and Piven at Columbia? Are they all communists bent on turning this country into a socialist, totalitarian hell hole like Venezuela? It sure looks that way to me.

David F. Jones Virginia