Dear Secretary Kennedy,
I cannot tell you how grateful and overjoyed I was to have been able to witness your swearing-in ceremony in the White House this past week. It was a celebration of Divine blessing, the revelation of your daily prayers for the past quarter century. It was a fitting confession of God’s hand at work in your life, despite the adversities and afflictions you have suffered. I thank God for your presence and passion in this area of our national life and health.
I offer up the following proposal to promote the furtherance of your mission to serve and save our nation’s health and purpose.
The idea for a National Service Corps (NSC) came from my 45-plus years of experience as a family practice physician in rural and urban Minnesota. With that deep dive into the manifestations of the human condition, combined with a family commitment to public education over the past hundred years—starting with parents teaching in country schools to present-day university involvement—I discovered the history of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camps of FDR Democratic Congress origins, which aided in the recovery from the Depression of the 1930s-’40s with their wonderful benefits to the country, as well as of the individual young men who experienced a positive and life-changing direction for their lives. “It was the greatest experience of my life” was the overwhelming attribute given by those boys who grew into fine young men in the process of their two-year commitment.
The proof of the CCC history, combined with the great need for a realignment of today’s current cultural deterioration to produce greater national health and educational opportunities, requires bold action and purpose, to thwart the philosophical and spiritual elements in governmental cabals that presently have been promoting that deterioration for megalomaniacal and monetary gains for a few at the expense of the many.
I believe that you, Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are just the man with the right combination of integrity, purpose, and powerful experience to bring about these much-needed changes to the life of this divinely blessed Great Republic. May Godspeed be your leadership experience as this nation journeys forth with you in the return to the Greatness of God’s Guidance.
Sincerely in prayer and expectation, Joel Luther Thompson, M.D. emeritus Minnesota