Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell
The Reader's Turn

Thank you for the profile on my personal hero, Dr. Thomas Sowell [“A Mind That Matters: Why Everyone Should Know Thomas Sowell” by GwynMorgan, published in the Jan.29–Feb. 4 edition]. I first “met” him in 1980 when I read his book “Ethnic America.” I own all of the books mentioned in your profile and more. He is so eminently sensible that if I hear his voice on television or in any context, I stop immediately to hear what he has to say. Many times, I have rewound the television to write down his comments. It is my humble opinion that he may be the most intelligent individual alive.

I was introduced to The Epoch Times by a friend, and we both do the same thing when the paper arrives on Tuesday: turn immediately to the Opinion section. What could be better than reading the words of brilliant minds and then ... comics!

There’s another book I would highly recommend: “Maveric: A Biography of Thomas Sowell” by Jason L. Riley, published in 2021. Jason is an excellent writer, and the book is hard to put down.

Cherie LeBard Pennsylvania

The Reader's Turn
The Reader's Turn