Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell
The Reader's Turn

Thank you for the profile on my personal hero, Dr. Thomas Sowell [“A Mind That Matters: Why Everyone Should Know Thomas Sowell” by GwynMorgan, published in the Jan.29–Feb. 4 edition]. I first “met” him in 1980 when I read his book “Ethnic America.” I own all of the books mentioned in your profile and more. He is so eminently sensible that if I hear his voice on television or in any context, I stop immediately to hear what he has to say. Many times, I have rewound the television to write down his comments. It is my humble opinion that he may be the most intelligent individual alive.

I was introduced to The Epoch Times by a friend, and we both do the same thing when the paper arrives on Tuesday: turn immediately to the Opinion section. What could be better than reading the words of brilliant minds and then ... comics!

There’s another book I would highly recommend: “Maveric: A Biography of Thomas Sowell” by Jason L. Riley, published in 2021. Jason is an excellent writer, and the book is hard to put down.

Cherie LeBard Pennsylvania