Western Culture at a Crisis Point

Western Culture at a Crisis Point
The Reader's Turn

[Western culture] has survived and grown through the Dark Ages, serfdom, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution, and now is morphing through the Information/Technology Age. What’s ahead?

America is broken and full of holes. God has been removed from our culture, which has left a hole. Cancel culture is rewriting history and leaves a hole. We are told our Constitution is outdated—another hole. Our families and marriages are under attack—leaving holes in our lives. The pandemic has left us with holes in our communication, our churches, and ourselves.

Those now in power—the radical left, the Neo-Marxists, the post-modern elitist professors and educators of our children, the politicians, the technocrats, the media, and Hollywood—are all telling us we are sexist, racist, and bigots living in a country founded on slavery and oppression. “We are all going to die unless we address climate change, NOW!” What about social justice and gender dysphoria? It’s too much at once. Who do you believe, who do you trust? What comes after “cancel culture?”

Wake up, America! We have not been vigilant, but we must! We can fill the holes with American exceptionalism, with self-reliance, with pride, and with belief and trust in God. We are better than those who would tear down the civilization that has given us all the highest standard of living and has allowed us to become the longest enduring society of free men and women governing themselves anywhere, at any time, on earth.

Roger Steinbrenner, M.D.

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