Who would have thought that kindness could bring an adorable pet parrot into your life? Life sure works in mysterious ways!
A heartwarming story captured on video shows Sultana Patwary, a kind kindergarten teacher in Toronto, finding and caring for a parrot that had become lost.
The helpless bird was found perched on a fence looking rather lonesome and sad.

Patwary found the parrot looking forlorn, for, as she later learned, he'd become separated from his owner and was unable to survive alone in the outside world.
She shared on social media how the parrot willingly hopped onto her finger when she offered him her hand.
She then took it upon herself to take him home and care for him, even getting him a new cage, all the while video narrating how she rescued him and won his trust.
“I rescued a lovebird on my way home from work,” Sultana told WooGlobe. “I’ve been taking care of him while searching for his owner.”

As the hunt for the bird’s owner on social media began, her family began bonding with him, and they took quite well to each other.
They named him Olive.
She captured amusing footage of her family members interacting and posing with the delightful green cutie.
Eventually, she put up posters of the lost bird. He could not have flown far as his wings were clipped, and soon Patwary received a call from someone who lived in the building where the bird was found.
That person had seen the posters and claimed to be the owner.
She said the bird’s real name was Watermelon, and showed Patwary a picture of him that matched his appearance.
Although Patwary and her family had become attached to him, they decided the right thing to do was return Watermelon to his rightful home.
The touching reunion was bittersweet, yet Patwary was elated by the fact that his journey touched the hearts of millions through her social media posts of the adorable green bird.