Try a New Summer Tradition: Camp Grandma Grandpa

Try a New Summer Tradition: Camp Grandma Grandpa
Tania Kolinko/Shutterstock
Barbara Danza

Summer is on its way. If you’re a grandparent and would like to create a cherished memory that both your grown children and your grandchildren will truly appreciate, may I suggest a new summer tradition: “Camp Grandma Grandpa.”

Camp Grandma Grandpa can be tailored, both in name and form, to the specifics of your own family, of course, but the general idea is this: For one fun-filled week (or weekend) the grandchildren stay at their grandparents’ home, where they learn, help out, and have fun spending precious quality time with their grandparents.

Although you can prepare activities as elaborate as your heart desires, you don’t have to be Mary Poppins or the Pied Piper to entertain your grandchildren for a week. Invite them into your everyday life and allow them to join in the preparation of dinner, the watering of the garden, the trip to the store, the after-dinner walk, and the volunteer work you do. Special touches may include greeting them with a fresh pack of crayons, baking cookies, taking them to the park or the movies, or reading new books together at bedtime.

Show them the old shoebox of mementos you keep in the back of the closet or your photos from when you (or their parents) were children. Tell them stories, teach them new things, and ask them about their lives and interests.

Older kids can also enjoy Camp Grandma Grandpa. Of course, you’re never too old for baking cookies. They can help around the home with things that you need done. They can enjoy stories from your youth. They can learn new skills that you may be able to teach them, such as woodworking, car repair, sewing, and cooking. Don’t assume that your teenage grandchildren are “too cool” for Camp Grandma Grandpa.

A week away at this special camp is also likely to be appreciated by your adult children. To have a break from the 24/7 duties of parenting, along with the peace of mind knowing that the children are in a loving and secure environment, might be the best gift they’ve ever been given.

The most important aspect of Camp Grandma Grandpa is the quality time you spend with your grandchildren. The grandparent-grandchild relationship is a blessing indeed and not one that everyone is lucky enough to enjoy. If you’re one of the fortunate ones, make the most of it. There are only so many summers during the childhood years. Invite the kids to Camp Grandma Grandpa.

When their parents come to pick them up at the end, you’ll be exhausted and satisfied, and everyone will cherish the special time they spent together.

Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is
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