The Quiet Revolution

The Quiet Revolution
The Reader's Turn

After reading Roger L. Simon’s thought-provoking editorial “Has the Time Come to Break Up America?” [published on Sept. 15], perhaps, what America needs is a different type of revolution.

Not one of those nasty, inconvenient Bolshevik, Social Democrat, or anarchist revolutions, full of assassinations, burning cars, and buildings, or attacks on unsuspecting citizens. Those revolutions make us late for work, which is what the USA is all about. What America needs is the sort of revolution that, among other things, reestablishes the Bill of Rights and marks a return to civility among its citizenry (who, at the moment, wouldn’t recognize civility if it smacked them in the head with a bicycle lock).

And it should be called The Quiet Revolution, and its fighters should be citizens still capable of calm debate and quiet evenings at home. Although it wouldn’t be a pacifist revolution, it would be a damn sight more reasonable than the adrenalin- and nonsense-driven cesspool into which America has fallen. Americans must be firm in their resolution to stop the madness.

The symbol of The Quiet Revolution will be a drawing of a man and a woman, standing side by side with their backs to the artist. This symbolizes the movement’s utter rejection of illogical people. It begins with one person, faced by someone’s tyrannical tantrum, saying, softly but firmly, either “Do shut up“ or ”Please stop speaking to me.” That being said, the speaker merely turns his or her back on the offender. Now what happens next is quite important: The speaker turns away and focuses on something pleasant but does not walk away. The Quiet Revolution begins with a fearless rejection of offenders. I understand this is apt to make the offender even angrier; nevertheless, the revolutionary must stand his or her ground, repeating the rejection sentence if necessary. This is the first step.

The next step is slightly more aggressive. The revolutionary says “No, thank you” to offer to debate agenda-driven sophistry. It involves sticking out one or both arms to protect personal space—a statement of support for individual liberty and privacy. If an offender happens to be in that personal space, the revolutionary is allowed a gentle shove. Under no circumstances should the revolutionary display anger, through body language or facial expression. The revolutionary must find the wherewithal to produce a wan or sardonic little smile. Thus, they shall understand one another.

Offensive comments directed at the revolutionary must be met with civility, as one would react to a tasteless joke. The mouth forms a slightly open-mouthed smile, while the other facial features remain blank. In my past experience this reaction, if displayed long enough, always leaves the offender embarrassed, feeling like a bug on a plate. It is a significant act and teaches others who may not have joined the cause to examine their own behavior. It teaches.

Out of these three simple steps, derived from polite society hundreds of years old, The Quiet Revolution flowers. Americans must turn off their televisions! They must avoid businesses that allow or encourage uncivil acts! They must walk out of classrooms, churches, rallies, and other congregations when seeing or hearing agenda-driven attempts at brainwashing! Americans must vote in every election! Americans must also vote with their feet, shaking off the dust of tyranny! In true American style, they must do their hitting in offenders’ pocketbooks!

The Quiet Revolution may seem like many forward-thinking notions that at first glance are too simple to work. But think about it, and you will begin seeing depths of opportunity to short-circuit the monstrous machine American society has become.

Larry T. French


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