Specter of Communism: Destruction of the Family

Specter of Communism: Destruction of the Family
The Reader's Turn

This article should really hit home. Here in New Jersey, a lot of women look at employment careers as the only way to become something. I’ve heard many times that being a mother shouldn’t be their identity. I think we have it wrong. Being a parent is the best thing we can do. Your job, your boss does not care about you. One day, you will be gone, and someone else will do your job. No one will care what deadlines you kept. But our children will be raised, and our memories will live on, and we will leave an everlasting mark on the world through our children. I believe that the most important job we can do is to be parents and raise our children well. It’s truly the only thing that matters.

Steve Preziosa Sr.

New Jersey

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