Remembering the Fallen

Remembering the Fallen
“Buffalo” amphibious vehicles taking troops of the Canadian First Army across the Scheldt in Holland, September 1944. Public domain
The Reader's Turn

Soon enough Remembrance Day, a paid holiday, will be upon us. A day to think about and remember all the lives lost, those of young men some 75-plus years ago who had dreams of love, life, family, and freedom. They made the ultimate sacrifice to stop the Nazis.

The Netherlands was under Nazi occupation for five years. In the Battle of the Scheldt, where Canadian forces played a leading role, more than 6,000 lives were lost; in the Battle of Arnhem, over 1,400 died.

I was a youngster then. After about a week of lobbing artillery shells at each other the combatants ceased and we came out of our ratholes, whereupon we had free access to the Canadians’ armed encampment for food and treats, which was much appreciated. I’m sure in return we were a bit of entertainment for them, all things being so different.

I had the privilege of working alongside many of the returned and damaged veterans for many years, and never heard any complaints or hatred expressed. But I heard gratefulness for still being alive and able to work. May God bless them all.

Come Nov. 11, I will mourn and grieve for all the lives lost and their dependents, and shed a tear or two as I remember—and not consider it a holiday.

I am ever grateful to God and them.

D. Vanderkooi Edmonton, Alberta

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