Professor Natelson’s Article

Professor Natelson’s Article
The Reader's Turn

I want to thank you and professor Robert G. Natelson for his article on understanding the constitution [printed in the July 7–13 “Defending the Constitution” special edition]. I believe that it should be read by every American and taught in our schools.

I also believe that he is right about those who ignore the well-crafted document’s granting of rights to some and limiting the powers of the central government. If one is leaving out that balancing of rights and powers, they are doing so for their own purposes. My guess would be that it is to bend the Constitution to serve their own ends. I believe that those ends must be to increase their powers and to limit the rights of others. This is why they talk down the Constitution and speak of it being outdated and needing a do-over.

Americans, be careful what powers you grant those who want to reinterpret the Constitution. It is only for their benefit and not for yours. Giving them power will only lead us to be a new Cuba.

Rev. Michael T. Buttner


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