Plumber: Stressed out Over Kitchen Sink Choices

Drop-in sinks sit on top of the kitchen counter. Kohler/TNS
By Ed Del Grande From Tribune News Service

Q: Ed: We’re first-time new home builders in the planning stages. I made it through my bathroom fixture choices, but now I’m getting stressed out over my kitchen sink choices. Can you please simplify basic kitchen sink choices for me?

— Tina, Michigan

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A: If you made it through bathroom fixture choices, you can make it through a kitchen sink choice.

Surprisingly, choosing a kitchen sink is a lot like choosing a bathtub. To temporarily go off topic, let me go into three basic bathtub options.

First, drop-in tub-only models sit on top of a custom-built tub deck. Next, undermount baths are attached under the tub deck. Then, alcove apron-front tub/showers are self-trimming against three walls with a finished front apron.

Now, let’s transfer that concept to basic kitchen sink styles.

The three basic kitchen sink types are drop-in, undermount and farmhouse apron-front models. More or less they’re all similar concepts to the corresponding bathtub installations we discussed.

So now all you have to do is choose a kitchen sink material, and whether you want the sink installed on top of the counter, under the counter, or on the cabinet base with a finished front sink apron. If you want to dive into a lot of details, more kitchen sink models are available, but be prepared to do a lot more research.

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Bottom line: Keep kitchen sink choices simple to avoid making a draining decision.

Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book “Ed Del Grande’s House Call,” the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit or write Always consult local contractors and codes.
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