Planning on Traveling Abroad This Summer? What You Need to Know

Planning on Traveling Abroad This Summer? What You Need to Know
Looking into travel insurance? Expect to spend 4–10 percent of the cost of your trip. Courtesy of NicoElNino/Shutterstock
Mike Valles

Americans are ready to travel again. After being cooped up for so long, they are ready to fly. Instead of staying closer to home this time, it looks like many want to try traveling abroad. Other places around the world have caught their eye.

Airlines are glad to help them get to where they want to go, and some have added new routes, opening up even more foreign travel possibilities. According to CNBC, various travel websites are reporting that searches for flights are up 7 percent higher than last year at this same time.
Most countries—197 of them—are now open to Americans and do not require any COVID-19 testing. There are 16 additional countries that are open, but you will need to get tested to get in. Some countries are currently closed—even to vaccinated Americans. Because the requirements for entry are frequently changing, you should check with the State Department’s website for new travel tips before making any travel plans.

Air Fares Not Cheaper

The cost of traveling by air has not reduced people’s desire to travel this summer. CNBC reports that airfares are as much as 36 percent higher this year than last year. The price of a hotel stay is also up, but only by about 3 percent.

Book Travel Plans Early

Use online tools to help find the best prices. These tools will send notifications about the best prices and will help you save a lot of money. One such tool, Google’s Matrix Airfare Search, is one of the better tools. By tracking prices, you can understand a good deal when you see it. SkyScanner and Scott’sCheapFlights are two other sites that will show you the best prices.
When you get ready to buy tickets for your overseas travel, consider the following budget travel tips. Do not wait until the last minute. The earlier you book your flight, the better deal you will get. You can get the best prices by booking three or four months in advance. The UTDailyBeacon says that you can often find cheaper flight prices on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Flights are less expensive if you fly early in the morning or late at night, because fewer people want to travel during those hours.

Make Sure Your Passport Is Current

Passports are great to have and can open many doors of travel for you. MyGlobalViewPoint says that you need to ensure that your passport does not expire within six months after traveling abroad. If it does, you will probably not be allowed into the country.
Some countries may require that you have a visa. China, Oman, and Turkey are three of them, but you can get a tourist visa at the airport in Turkey and Oman.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is one of the most important things you need when traveling abroad. It can make or break your travel plans when things do not go as planned. It can help you get reimbursed for canceled or delayed flights, lost or stolen items, and help you get a new hotel—if you should need to get one. Travel medical insurance is also important because it can help you get treatment and medicine while traveling and covers medical evacuation and repatriation.

Make Sure Your Credit Card Works Internationally

What could be worse than wanting to pay for a meal or make a purchase and discovering that your credit card does not work out of the country? Before traveling abroad, inform your credit card company of your travel plans so that using them is not rejected because of “suspicious activity.”

Pack a Travel Health Kit

If you are traveling to a third-world country in a hot climate, you want to be prepared to take care of your health. Bacteria and disease are more rampant in hotter countries, but you can be ready for it by packing some extras. In your travel health kit, add sunscreen, insect repellent, water disinfection tablets, and alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Also, always take extra water with you to help you to stay hydrated. When outdoors, be sure to wear protective clothing from UV rays and to avoid sunburn.

Also, include some over-the-counter medicines in your health kit to meet any special needs. And do not forget to make sure you have enough prescription medications to last through the trip.

Get all required vaccinations in advance for that country. You will need to bring your yellow vaccination card with you to be admitted into the country.

Plan Your Itinerary

Knowing what you are going to do and where you want to go while in the country of your choice will save a lot of time and enable you to see and do more. Look at various travel websites for information and check out where people like to go when in that country. Check reviews, too, to avoid places not worth seeing or where crime is a problem.
Find out where locals like to eat to get a real taste of native food. It will give you a greater variety on your trip and some memories.

Create a Separate Travel Debit Account

One author recommends the following travel safety tips to help protect bank accounts from theft if a bank card is lost. Travel80by80 recommends creating a separate travel checking account with a debit card before traveling. Then, put into that account the money you think you will need for the trip and use the debit card when making purchases. Since the card is not linked to your other accounts, money cannot be withdrawn from them.

Reduce Your Cost With a Travel Credit Card

A travel credit card earns points on your purchases and tickets. If you get the card months before your planned trip, you can use the points to reduce the cost of your airline tickets or hotel costs. Or, if you just got the card, you can use those points for other purchases—depending on your card) and save money. Be sure to get a card that earns points on something you can use.

The best vacations are those that you have carefully planned. Give yourself time between events or sites to catch your breath, which will help you avoid being fatigued after getting back home.

The Epoch Times Copyright © 2022 The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors. They are meant for general informational purposes only and should not be construed or interpreted as a recommendation or solicitation. The Epoch Times does not provide investment, tax, legal, financial planning, estate planning, or any other personal finance advice. The Epoch Times holds no liability for the accuracy or timeliness of the information provided.
Mike Valles
Mike Valles
Mike Valles has been a freelance writer for many years and focuses on personal finance articles. He writes articles and blog posts for companies and lenders of all sizes and seeks to provide quality information that is up-to-date and easy to understand.
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