Perfect Presents

Perfect Presents
Sincere gift giving is a pleasure for both the recipient and the giver. Fei Meng
We all agree that nothing says “thank you” more clearly than a gift, but for most of us, that opens a Pandora’s box of decisions. Like Goldilocks, we want it not to be too big or too small, but just right.

Care and Consideration

Giving a gift should please the giver as much as the recipient. That being said, unless your last name is Vanderbilt, budgets play a role in gifting. If the recipient gave you an expensive gift and you can’t afford to reciprocate on the same level, that’s OK. Be upfront and delight them with a gift that more than makes up for the value difference with thoughtfulness.
As an example, if they just took up painting, perhaps a small set of brushes would be a very appreciated gift.

Be Appropriate

Your relationship with the recipient plays a large role in deciding what to give as a gift.

For example, if you and the other person are life-long friends who enjoy practical jokes, a “joke gift” such as a coffee mug emblazoned with “World’s Grumpiest Person” might be the perfect gift. However, it would be inappropriate to give that same mug to a boss or even a family member who doesn’t share your sense of humor, even if they deserve the mug.

If in doubt, choose a safe, completely inoffensive gift.

Suit It to the Recipient

It can be tempting to give a gift that you’d truly enjoy but that might not be a good match for the recipient. For example, if you are an avid gardener but their idea of gardening is to visit the produce section of Whole Foods, a box of seeds or a fancy watering can might not be the best choice.
Taking the time to learn about the recipient and thus find the ideal gift helps ensure that they will be delighted by whatever you give them and by your thoughtfulness.

Involuntary Gifts

Sometimes we are obligated to give a gift to a person we may not know particularly well, such as in a office holiday gift exchange or to a co-worker who is having a baby or getting married.
If you are able, ask their friends for suggestions as to what they’d like or maybe need, or take a peek at their social media profile to look for clues about hobbies or interests. If you are stumped, a gift certificate is often safe and well-received.

Host Gifts

When invited to a barbecue, dinner party, or casual afternoon cocktail affair, or even out for a cruise on a friend’s boat, you probably aren’t expected to arrive with a gift. However, doing so can greatly increase the chances of receiving future invitations.

For events where food will be served, resist the urge to show up with food or dessert items unless you are able to ask the host whether there are any specific items they’d like you to bring. Instead, send a handwritten note within two days following the event, with a gift card enclosed.

Sandy Lindsey
Sandy Lindsey
Sandy Lindsey is an award-winning writer who covers home, gardening, DIY projects, pets, and boating. She has two books with McGraw-Hill.
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