Want to get into the holiday spirit? Take a tip from the locals and go lobby hopping at some of The Big Easy’s most iconic hotels. With seasonal decorations, special cocktails, and other yuletide activities, this is one of the highest-value ways to get your Christmas groove on in style. It’s perfectly acceptable just to go in and see the lights, but if you want to make the most of the trip, elevate your lobby hopping by taking advantage of the offerings that are available to both visitors and hotel guests alike. This makes each lobby stop part of a mini travel itinerary. While there are a number of hotels to hit, a few, in particular, have perfected the experience to an art form.Réveillon
Historically, the city honored this French tradition via lavish dinners served in homes late on Christmas Eve. While still celebrated in this way, New Orleans restaurants have expanded the practice by offering this dining option throughout the season. Numerous places offer special menus featuring local holiday favorites, but if you’re looking to experience réveillon—the night before Christmas—in a place that’s deeply anchored in the city’s history, definitely make time for Broussard’s. This restaurant and courtyard establishment has been in operation for more than 100 years, making it a must-try for those in search of a meal steeped in the atmosphere of New Orleans. It offers a set selection of menu options for the experience, all chosen to suit the season and leave you feeling satisfied.Another way to celebrate this tradition is something locals refer to as réveillon on the rocks. This is basically bar hopping on Christmas-themed steroids. With many establishments creating special yuletide cocktails, it’s easy to enjoy this practice as you make your way around the city for other festivities. However, if you happen to include The Roosevelt on your lobby hopping itinerary, making time to sip something delish at the Sazerac bar will definitely be memorable. Not only do they always craft something specific for the season, but they also have several other vintage cocktails in their repertoire. Enjoying one while soaking up the history infused in the venue is the perfect holiday activity.

While the city boasts numerous Christmas music performances throughout December, certain events offer exceptionally high value to your trip. Not to be missed are the free holiday concerts at various churches throughout the city. Featuring prominent local musicians and church choirs performing classic Christmas tunes, this you will want to make time for. Seriously, they’re spectacular. Two of my favorite locations to enjoy this annual offering are St. Louis Cathedral and St. Anna’s Church.While there’s no doubt that the cathedral offers all the expected grandeur, St. Anna’s brings the intimate neighborhood charm that makes these concerts extra special. They also provide beverages, which come in handy if you’ve walked from farther afoot. We made our way to the back expecting to support the congregation with a punch purchase. Oh, no. This is New Orleans, baby. They had a cash bar. I have to say, sitting in a church pew listening to holiday-themed hymns being belted out by people in choir robes with a frosty cold one in my hand was definitely a first.
Another city tradition is a public participation concert in the form of a massive caroling event held in Jackson Square the Sunday before Christmas. It’s free to attend, with hand-held candles typically distributed for a group lighting and song sheets available so everyone can participate. To be clear, this isn’t a tiny street corner activity with a handful of people singing a couple of tunes. Au contraire. This is a large-scale annual singalong and an absolute memory maker.