National Letter Writing Day: The Importance of ‘Letters to Editor’

December 7th is National Letter Writing Day. Surveys reveal that “Letters to the Editor” is one of the most widely read sections of any newspaper.
National Letter Writing Day: The Importance of ‘Letters to Editor’
Margot Kessler/iStock
The Reader's Turn

Dear Editor,

December 7th is National Letter Writing Day. Surveys reveal that “Letters to the Editor” is one of the most widely read and popular sections of any newspaper.

Daily newspapers offer readers a chance to speak out. Contrary to popular myth, we don’t always have our submissions published. Being a prolific letter writer doesn’t always guarantee publication on a regular basis by anyone. It helps to have a snappy introduction, good hook, be timely, precise, have an interesting or different viewpoint to increase your odds of being published. Many papers welcome letters commenting on their own editorials, articles, or previously published letters to the editor.

Surveys reveal that 'Letters to the Editor' is one of the most widely read and popular sections of any newspaper.

We continue to be fortunate to live in one of the few remaining free societies, with a wealth of information sources available. Sadly, most American cities and suburbs are down to one local daily or weekly newspaper. Newspapers have to deal with increasing costs for newsprint, delivery, and distribution, along with reduced advertising revenues and declining readership.

I continue to be grateful that the Epoch Times, along with other daily and weekly newspapers, afford both me and my fellow letter-to-the-editor writers the opportunity to express our views, as well as differing opinions on issues of the day.

Daily newspapers offer readers a chance to speak out.

In the marketplace of ideas, let us hope there continues to be room for everyone, including the Epoch Times, along with all the other newspapers. Let us thank those few brave souls who are willing to take on the establishment and powerful special interest groups in the pages of your letters to the editor section. They fill a valuable niche in the information highway.

Please join me along with your neighbors in reading your favorite daily and local weekly newspapers. Patronize their advertisers; they provide the revenues necessary to keep them in business. Let them know you saw their ad. This is what helps keep our neighbors employed, the local economy growing, and provides space on a daily and weekly basis for your favorite or not so favorite letter writers.


Larry Penner Great Neck, N.Y.