Natelson’s Essays on the US Constitution

Natelson’s Essays on the US Constitution
The Reader's Turn

I read the entirety of Rob Natelson’s masterful explanations about the U.S. Constitution [printed in the July 7–13 “Defending the Constitution” special edition]. This should be published in book form. Preferably hardcover. Include all of the illustrations. Please consider such. Your encouragement to spread The Epoch Times’ “Defending the Constitution” section by way of online forwarding is nice, but the work is very long to expect many “family and friends” to hold an attention span to finish it. Some of us are old-fashioned enough to want to keep permanent copies of important literary works—after we have read them leisurely, on paper, away from any computer mechanism. And this set of Natelson essays is a very important reference for Americans to reach for again and again, in a published form of high quality that can be passed down through future generations.

Thank you,

Peggy Harris


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