Liberal Narrative’s Fine Print

Liberal Narrative’s Fine Print
The Reader's Turn

For some time, I have wondered when today’s left-wing ideologues would realize that their assumed superior worldview is serving to undermine their own life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness—and, I might add, freedom of speech. A report in The Epoch Times’ July 14–20 edition provides a real-life example of this inevitable reality.

The article, “Liberal Writer Joins Trump’s Big Tech Lawsuit” by Petr Svab, tells the story of Naomi Wolf, an author and leading spokeswoman for the women’s liberation movement. Wolf’s interests include women’s health issues which led her into research on “the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, the constitutionality of lockdowns, and the candor of Anthony Fauci.” Once she began to question some of the mainstream COVID proclamations and directives, she received Twitter scoldings, a YouTube account freeze, charges of posting “misinformation,” and was ultimately “de-platformed” on numerous social and print media—all without any specific explanation whatsoever. Never mind that Wolf was previously a darling to these various outlets. Now, she has accepted an invitation from former President Donald Trump’s team to join his class-action lawsuit against a range of abusive media.

Although Wolf may not have suffered the ultimate loss in this ordeal, her story demonstrates what can happen to anyone who exercises critical thinking and questions the policies and narratives of those who write the authorized script. As the Left feverishly works to redefine the American way of life, you can be sure these consequences will intensify.

For every liberal citizen who embraces “social justice” and “equality,” Naomi Wolf’s experience with popular media provides an important takeaway: The fine print in today’s leftist ideology is, in the end, an equal opportunity oppressor.

John Alexander


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