You can’t believe how humbled I am to sit at the same desk where real railroad telegraphers listened to the telegraph sounder and then transmitted replies for nearly 100 years.

Stopping in Ashland
The scenic railroad that operates on the historic Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad line does weekend five-hour fall foliage trips from late September until Columbus Day in October. The round trip originates out of the Meredith, New Hampshire, station south of Ashland, New Hampshire.The train departs from the Meredith station about 10:30 a.m. heading north toward Plymouth, New Hampshire. It passes the Ashland station but doesn’t stop. Once the train arrives in Plymouth, the passengers exit the train and eat a relaxing buffet lunch inside a cozy restaurant.

Kaylee and Her Mom
Last Sunday was unusual as I felt not many passengers got off the train to look around. When they walk into the station, the telegrapher’s office is immediately to the right, and most people are polite and just pop their heads in the open door to see the source of the dihs and dahs resonating throughout the historic building.
“Hi! What’s your name?” I said. Standing at the doorway with her eyes nearly as big as her oversized eyeglasses was a young girl with long brunette hair. The rhythm of me sending Morse must have captivated her like a siren’s song does a seafarer.
She was wearing a warm hoodie sweatshirt as autumn was in the air. My guess is this young lady was no more than 10 years old. Standing next to her was her mom.
“It’s Kaylee.”
“Such a beautiful name! Would you like to hear what it sounds like in Morse code? Help me spell it so I get it right.”
As often happens, Kaylee was drawn into the station by the sound of the Morse code like I’m pulled into my kitchen by the intoxicating aroma of my wife’s delicious fresh vegetable soup.

Going Slow
Some adults love to hear their names in Morse, too. Just before sending each letter, I tell them what I’m about to send so they can hear how unique each letter sounds. I then send it in real time as if I was pushing a telegram update to a friend or relative at a distant station through the miles of copper wire that used to hang beside the tracks.Here’s a re-creation of what I said to Kaylee:
“Oh my gosh, that was so cool! Thanks for doing that.” Kaylee started asking questions faster than water shoots from a firehose. I answered each one and shared that in less than one month she could easily memorize the entire alphabet.
“Kaylee, how about you try to send a few letters?”
“Can I?”
“Why, of course!”
I then had her send a K and an A, as those are both pretty simple letters in Morse code. She wanted to keep pressing down on the straight key as if it were a doorbell, so I had to show her how to hold the straight-key knob with her two fingers and thumb.
Moments later the train conductor, my Morse code mentor, Jim, called, “All aboard!” He was out on the platform, and it was time for the train to depart back to Meredith.
‘I Want to Send Your Name’
Moments later, Kaylee was back in the telegrapher’s office.“I want to send your name! Can you show me how?”
You can imagine my surprise to see her. I glanced up and saw Jim standing just outside the office door with a huge smile on his face. He wasn’t going to release the train until the magic happened.
In case you don’t know it, a train engineer can’t move a train until such time as the conductor gives the order. Jim’s grin telegraphed to me that I might have just created the next new young ham radio operator.
“OK, my name is really easy. It’s T I M. It’s just one dash or dah, two dots or dihs, and two dashes or dahs. Close your eyes and listen closely. Remember, Morse is auditory. You learn Morse the same way your mom taught you to talk. You just hear the distinct sounds.”
I looked at her face to make sure her eyes were closed tight and said, “I’m going to send my name slowly three times. Focus on the spacing and concentrate on each letter.”
Kaylee did exactly as I had requested. It was now her turn. She grasped the Kent key knob just right and started pounding her first bits of brass.
The first time she tried, it was a little sloppy. But the second time was perfect.
“Great job, Kaylee! That was excellent! You’re going to have a great fist!”
Kaylee’s face said it all and she rushed out the door past Jim, hopping up onto the train. I was beaming myself as I was sure a new CW operator had just been born.
The Highlight of the Trip
The next day, Jim called me with news.I don’t know that it gets any better than this. It’s possible that moment in time in the Ashland railroad station may be tattooed in four minds for the rest of our lives.
It’s my hope that I hear from Kaylee or her mom one day. I did give her mom one of my business cards, so we’ll see what happens.
Spending that time with Kaylee was magical for me, too. I came home so excited about it, I shared the entire story with my wife, Kathy. Being a mom, she got it right away. Kathy’s got no interest in Morse, but she’s all about making kids happy.