
The Reader's Turn

President Biden’s proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure program would be spent over eight years. It includes $85 billion that would go toward transit. Key components are  $55 billion for transit state of good repair, $25 billion for transit expansion, and $5 billion for Americans With Disabilities Act implementation. Democrats also provide $21 billion for safety, $25 billion for airports, $17 billion for ports and inland waterways, along with $115 billion for bridges and roads.

The Republican alternative $568 billion infrastructure program would be spent over five years. It includes $81 billion that would go to transit. Key components are $61 billion for public transit and $20 billion for rail. Republicans also provide $13 billion for safety, $44 billion for airports, $17 billion for ports and inland waterways, along with $290 billion for bridges and roads.

Both plans are incomplete. Neither provides a specific list of projects or their estimated costs to be funded under each category.

Government must be open and transparent if we are to understand what is being proposed. We deserve to know the details.

Washington faces a $29 trillion long-term deficit. It is anticipated to grow by a trillion annually for years to come.

Larry Penner

New York

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