In Response to ‘Is Central Banking a Capitalist or Communist Concept’

In Response to ‘Is Central Banking a Capitalist or Communist Concept’
The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building in Washington on July 14, 2016. Benjamin Chasteen/Epoch Times
The Reader's Turn

Dear Valentin Schmid:

The Epoch Times does the public such a valuable service by publishing your articles, such as this week’s “Is Central Banking a Capitalist or Communist Concept.” I believe it would be good for every U.S. citizen to study and understand it. And this will happen, in God’s time and in God’s way.

Your style is like the elegant feathers of an eighteenth-century quill pen. Mine is more like a hammer. But we both see exactly the same thing—that the emperor has no clothes. And we don’t need a naked emperor.

Valentin, you are my teacher in economics, for which I am so grateful!

History is moving rapidly toward its climax, guided by God and an Angelic army. So what the people want will surely come—peace and love.

And I see The Epoch Times as important in all this and will say so.

Gratefully, Arty Finmann Berkeley, California

Arty Finmann is a minister, musician, composer, poet, and passionate student of art and history.
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