How to Keep Your Pets Calm and Safe During Fourth of July Fireworks Shows

How to Keep Your Pets Calm and Safe During Fourth of July Fireworks Shows
Sherri R. Camp/Shutterstock
Tribune News Service
By Mary Ramsey From The Charlotte Observer

Fireworks shows are a summer staple, especially on and around the Fourth of July, but they can also be a source of anxiety for pets and their owners.

In addition to the fireworks themselves posing a potential danger to animals, the loud noises, bright lights and strong smells that come with fireworks displays can trigger stress and fear for pets, which can be damaging to their health and lead to accidents if and when they try to run away.

Here are some tips for keeping your pet, and in turn yourself, calm when fireworks are going off, courtesy of the Humane Society of the United States:

Keep Pets Away From Fireworks and Their Remnants

Pets make great companions; however, the Humane Society recommends not bringing them along to fireworks shows because pets tend to be “more sensitive to loud noises, flashing lights and strong smells.”
If you do leave your pet at home while heading out to celebrate July Fourth yourself, it’s helpful to leave your radio or TV on “to soften jarring noises.”

Make Sure Your Pet Has a Collar, ID Tag and Microchip

When pets are scared by the sights and sounds of a fireworks show, they may try to run away. Even pets that are inside, the Human Society cautions, may try to make a break for it by breaking through a door or window.
So, it’s important to make sure your pets are wearing their collars and that those collars have up-to-date ID tags with your address and/or a way to contact you. If your pet is microchipped, you should also make sure it’s registered.

Get Advice, Help From Your Pet’s Veterinarian

If you’ve had issues with your pet getting anxious during fireworks shows before, the Human Society recommends talking to your veterinarian about the situation.
Vets that know your pet can give you recommendations on techniques for keeping your pet calm that they think will help and, if necessary, even prescribe medications that can help.

Don’t Forget to Protect Your Pet From Heat

Fireworks aren’t the only threat to pets’ health in the summer, the Humane Society notes. Hot weather can also pose issues for our furry friends. Like humans, pets can suffer from heat stroke, and they also shouldn’t be left inside cars.

And hot pavement can burn your pet’s paws, so the Humane Society recommends putting your hand down on the ground when it’s hot before letting your pet walk. If you can’t keep your hand down for at least 5 seconds, then it’s too hot to let your pet walk on.

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