We’ve all had our share of social blunders. The more awkward the situation, the more important it is to own up to it and efficiently move on.
Parsley in the Pearly Whites
You may feel shy telling someone that they’ve got food stuck in their teeth, particularly if they’re not a close friend, but it’s the right thing to do. Tell them as soon as possible, but be sure to do it politely. Simply say, “There’s something in your teeth.” Also, tell them discretely; there’s no need to alert the entire table.In the event you find yourself with Swiss chard in your choppers, never remove it at your table. Excuse yourself for a moment and ask for a toothpick on the way to the restroom.
What Was That Sound?
Be it the growl of a hungry stomach, a loud burp, or passing gas, bodily noises can and do sneak up on us. If you feel it coming on, try to move to an open area where the incident can pass without disturbing others.If it has already occurred, the only thing you can do is apologize. Keep it to a simple “excuse me” or “pardon me.” It’s an involuntary act, so you are asking to be pardoned, not forgiven. Skip the gushing “I’m so sorry”s and lengthy explanations. Never try to laugh it off, as that only makes the incident even more awkward.
Cleanup on Aisle 8
Accidents happen, particularly in a crowded supermarket. Whether it’s a glass jar of spaghetti sauce slipping out of your grip, crashing to the floor, and splattering all over the aisle, or knocking over a precariously-stacked cereal display, if it’s something you can clean up yourself, do so, even if it takes a few minutes.Story continues below advertisement
Otherwise, own up to it; in most cases, the store won’t charge for the damages, so don’t let that worry you. Find an employee and apologize sincerely for the extra work you’ve caused. If you’re still feeling guilty, you can discretely tip them for their extra effort, but it’s not required.
Hello, Mr. ... ?
Forgot someone’s name? Don’t panic, and resist the temptation to guess; that rarely ends well. If you can, introduce another person to them, saying, “Have you met my husband, Bill?” which should nudge them to say their name again. If appropriate, ask them to add their contact info (which includes their name) to your phone. Or simply start a conversation, as it may provide memory-jogging clues.If all else fails, simply say, “I’m so sorry, I’ve gone completely blank, can you please remind me of your name?”
I Didn’t Know You Were in There
At some point in their lives, almost everyone has walked in on someone in a bathroom that they thought was unoccupied, much to the horror of all involved. This embarrassing situation can be avoided with a simple, gentle knock on the door before entering, a habit that should be taught to everyone in childhood.If you do find yourself in this dilemma, simply say, “Oops, sorry,” and at all costs avoid the “You didn’t lock the door” or “You should have knocked” sniping that often ensues because both parties are mortified.