Global Warming

Global Warming
The Reader's Turn

Thanks for the common sense article by Cheng Xiaonong [“Climate Policies Continue to Mislead the Public,” published in the June 16–22 edition], which included Matishov’s theory that the earth is, in fact, cooling. I’ll bet you guys a steak dinner that if the cooling idea gains traction, the global warming loons will immediately blame fossil fuels and CO2! I think the most lucid explanation of climate phenomena was offered by MIT meteorologist Richard Lindzen: “Two immense, complex and turbulent fluids—the oceans and the air in the atmosphere—are in a constant reaction with each other and the land causing what we experience as storms and temperature changes. Variations in the sun’s radiation and the rotation of the planet play parts as well. And yet, climate modelers claim that only one tiny component of this enormous, churning mass, CO2, controls the planet’s climate. This borders on magical thinking.”

R.H. Gruy


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