Gain-of-Function Research

Gain-of-Function Research
The Reader's Turn

I enjoyed Ben Weingarten’s piece [“11 Critical Questions Now That the Lab Leak Theory Is ‘Politically Correct,'” published in the June 2–8 edition] posing 11 questions concerning the Wuhan lab leak. But he forgot Question No. 12: Should America be involved in gain-of-function research at all, given the inherent dangers and the uncertain benefits that have resulted?

It is clear that the United States helped finance operations in the Wuhan lab. If gain-of-function research needs to continue, should we restrict it to labs within the United States? (According to congressional sources, there are 11 labs in the U.S. doing such research, not to mention an unknown number of labs on foreign soil that American taxpayers may or may not have been financing.)

Charlotte W. Craig


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