
food additives

Widely Used and Deemed Safe, These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought

Widely Used and Deemed Safe, These Food Additives Are More Harmful Than Thought

Sorbitol Intolerance Linked to High-Fat Diet, Antibiotics

Sorbitol Intolerance Linked to High-Fat Diet, Antibiotics

Illinois Legislation Aims to Ban 5 Food Additives

Illinois Legislation Aims to Ban 5 Food Additives

Excessive Phosphorus in Food and Medicine: A Growing Concern

Excessive Phosphorus in Food and Medicine: A Growing Concern

Is Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Truly Harmful?

Is Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Truly Harmful?

FDA Proposes Banning Food Additive Used in Sodas

FDA Proposes Banning Food Additive Used in Sodas

7 Food Additives Banned in Europe, Commonly Used in the US

7 Food Additives Banned in Europe, Commonly Used in the US

California 1st to Ban Common Additives in Sweets Linked to Cancer, Behavioral Issues

California 1st to Ban Common Additives in Sweets Linked to Cancer, Behavioral Issues

California Bans 4 ‘Toxic’ Food Additives

California Bans 4 ‘Toxic’ Food Additives