
Eric Holder

Currency of Control: How CBDC Implementation Is Leading to Global Tyranny–Aaron Day

Currency of Control: How CBDC Implementation Is Leading to Global Tyranny–Aaron Day

Clinton Gets Nod From Former Attorney General Eric Holder

Clinton Gets Nod From Former Attorney General Eric Holder

Holder Proves You Can Go Home Again

Holder Proves You Can Go Home Again

Attorney General Holder Wants Felons to Have the Right to Vote

Attorney General Holder Wants Felons to Have the Right to Vote

DOJ: Ferguson Police Target Blacks in Ticketing for Revenue Generation

DOJ: Ferguson Police Target Blacks in Ticketing for Revenue Generation

What Happens Now for George Zimmerman? 

What Happens Now for George Zimmerman? 

If You Can’t Pay $500, You Can Get Sent to Prison for Committing a Misdemeanor

If You Can’t Pay $500, You Can Get Sent to Prison for Committing a Misdemeanor

Day Two of Loretta Lynch Confirmation Hearing: Police Sheriff Criticizes Eric Holder for Being Anti-Cop

Day Two of Loretta Lynch Confirmation Hearing: Police Sheriff Criticizes Eric Holder for Being Anti-Cop

New Profiling Guidelines Won’t Affect Border Stops

New Profiling Guidelines Won’t Affect Border Stops

Cleveland Police Poorly Trained, Says DOJ 

Cleveland Police Poorly Trained, Says DOJ