The mental and physical health benefits from being in nature have been well documented.
While it might seem obvious that summertime calls for a plethora of outdoor activity and fun for families, it can be all too easy for unscheduled bliss to devolve into hours inside in front of the television, computer, or other digital devices.
To ensure your family is taking full advantage of the freedom and sunshine that summer brings, here are some strategies that can last all summer long.
Make It a Daily Habit
Develop a daily ritual that involves getting out into nature. Whether that’s a morning walk, watching the sunset every evening, an afternoon bike ride, or a daily nature photo challenge, keep your goal super simple and check off your completion each day on the calendar. By the end of the summer, your healthy habit will be firmly established.
Schedule Outings
Life can get busy pretty quickly. Get outdoor activities committed to your calendar. Picnics in the park, hikes through the woods, and trips to the beach are all more likely to happen if you schedule them.
Keep a Nature Journal
Enhance an appreciation for nature by encouraging your children to keep a nature journal. Sketching and noting what they observe while out and about, gathering plant and other specimens, and researching their findings might encourage more and more exploring.
Limit Technology Use
While inside, maintain firm limits on the use of digital devices and computer games, which have a tendency to eat away at time and have proven addictive. When the pull from devices is no longer an option, kids tend to aim for the outdoors.
Take Up a New Sport or Hobby
Kayaking, biking, running, surfing, hiking, and so many more outdoor activities lend themselves to regular practice and exploring different areas. Enjoying such activities as a family can open you up to a whole new world of health benefits.