Fashion Show Enchants With Ancient Chinese Elegance

A fashion show featuring stunning ancient Chinese attire delighted Ottawa Convention Centre visitors Saturday.
Fashion Show Enchants With Ancient Chinese Elegance
A model wears an exquisite Ming Dynasty gown in pink and white by Winna Lin titled “Return,” at the Han Couture Fashion Show in Ottawa on Nov. 17, 2012. The gown won the Best Craftsmanship Award in the 2009 Global Han Couture Design Competition held by New Tang Dynasty Television. Pam McLennan/The Epoch Times
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OTTAWA—A fashion show featuring stunning ancient Chinese attire delighted Ottawa Convention Centre visitors Saturday as it took them on a journey to ancient China that told of the elegance and majesty of that period in dress as well as in tradition and values.

“I thought it was spectacular, not only because of the costumes, which were amazing, but because of the knowledge that’s being shared through the show about all of the dynasties,” said Denise Leroux, who took many photos of the models.

The Han Couture Fashion Show attracted many shoppers at noon just outside the annual Signatures artisan gift show featuring professional Canadian handmade products.

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The fashion showcase explored the unique styles of five different dynasties—Han (206 B.C.–A.D. 220), Jin (A.D. 265–420), Song (A.D. 960–1279), Ming (A.D. 1368–1644), and Tang (A.D. 618–907).

Host Arnaud Camu noted that while China comprises many ethnicities, the most prevalent has been the Han ethnic group.

He explained the term Han couture.

“Han couture refers to the garments and dresses worn by the Han people in China from over 4,000 years ago up until the 17th century, with the end of the Ming Dynasty,” he said.

Visual Feast, Timeless Virtues

Audiences were treated to a visual feast of styles worn by a variety of figures from ancient times, including scholars, aristocrats and their wives, and an empress and a prime minister.

The colourful collection reflected a diversity of designs that varied from one period to the next, although all had in common wide sleeves, loose gowns, and flat, open collars folded to the right.

“The beauty, the elegance, the peace, the sense of fellowship around it—that’s really what struck me,” Leroux added, speaking to the principles of traditional Chinese culture expressed through the clothing.

Camu explained that all Han couture has a straight seam in the middle of the back, which represents righteousness in the wearer’s character.

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