A remarkable rescue video shows the moment a quick-witted farmer solicited the help of his co-workers to aid in saving a herd of horses that fell into an icy pond in Russia. The team of rescuers hauled the animals to safety by using their own strength and a tractor with a lifting jib.

According to Idilyatullin, the horses entered the lake out of habit thinking that the ice was about half a meter deep. However, once in, these panicking horses struggled to stay afloat.
The average weight of a horse is close to an estimate of 900–2,000 pounds (408–907 kg). Thus, Idilyatullin and his team of rescuers decided to use a tractor with a lifting jib to pull the horses out.

Luckily, the first two horses were brought to safety pretty quickly. Meanwhile, the third horse struggled as four rescuers tried their best with the utmost strength of their bodies to pull it out of the freezing water; however, no matter how much they toiled, they failed. Then a few more men joined in the effort, and together, they pulled the horse successfully out of the water.
Unfortunately, after the horse was rescued, it stayed still and was unable to move due to the freezing temperature and exhaustion. However, after a few minutes of lying at the same spot, it garnered its strength and was able to stand on its own feet.

Meanwhile, the other three out of four horses that were stuck in the water clambered to safety with the help of a harness around their necks and a rope attached to the lifting jib of the tractor.
The group of farmers worked as quickly as possible so that the horses wouldn’t drown or freeze to death. However, as the men rescued the last horse, they struggled as it started to move away from the rescuers every time they came forward. Finally, with the help of a harness, they were successfully able to bring the distressed animal to safety.

According to Idilyatullin’s Instagram post, the cause of the incident was due to unstable weather conditions. He concluded his post by writing, “Thank God everything worked out, everyone was pulled out, they acted promptly.”
As the footage was shared online, many viewers from different parts of the world left comments for the brave farmers who were able to rescue these mighty horses and give them another chance at life.

“Thank you for saving them, so glad they all made it,” expressed one Instagram user from the United States.
Meanwhile, another user from Canada wrote, “Awesome job..u can tell u love ur horses very much..”
A third one chimed in, writing, “You are all angels! Thank you for saving these horses. May God bless you all!”