
The Reader's Turn

This letter comments on Jean Chen’s article titled “A Mom’s Research: A Deep Dive Into Evolution” (June 30-July 6 2021). Ms. Chen states that, according to PBS’s Evolution website, “the Darwinian theory of evolution has withstood the test of time and thousands of scientific experiments; nothing has disproved it since Darwin first proposed it more than 150 years ago” and that “the claimed evidence for evolution includes fossil records and the similarities among all life.” She does an admirable job of showing the problems involved in both.

I am just a retired lawyer, not a scientist. Thus, in this letter, I take a lawyer’s logical approach. I try to dive a little deeper and present what I think is an entirely new way of looking at the evolution theory. If anyone can prove me wrong, I would like to hear from them.

There is a fact which not only debunks the scientific “evidence” for evolution but conclusively disproves it. It can be stated in one simple sentence: Evolution cannot explain and is disproved by, procreation.

At least in the case of humans, it takes a male and a female who must each have the mature, separate and distinctive sexual organs necessary to reproduce which, when combined, give them the ability to produce children. The man has the organs necessary to produce semen and impregnate the woman and the woman has the organs necessary to produce eggs, receive sperm and provide the proper environment for the fertilized egg to grow. These specific sexual organs could not have developed through mutations or “survival of the fittest” because a new human could not have been produced without a mature male and a mature female, which, according to Darwin, could not exist.

In short, Darwin’s theory does not make logical or scientific sense, and I find the intelligent design approach (and that God “made them male and female”) a lot more convincing than Darwin’s theory.

Tim Klenk

The Reader's Turn
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