Every year, the IRS announces new limits on the estate tax exemption for the upcoming year. It is the amount of money people can give away without having to pay a federal estate tax. The number is primarily for rich people who have large amounts of money.
The federal estate tax exemption has been raised from $12,060,000 to $12,920,000 for 2023. It means that a millionaire (or billionaire) can give away this amount, and a couple could give away $25.84 million without having to pay any taxes on the money.
The $12.92 million exemption is a lifetime gift tax exemption. It is the maximum amount that you can give away over your lifetime.
The tax exemption amount is based partly on inflation and is adjusted annually. In 2026, however, the limit will revert to $5,000,000. With inflation, it will likely be around $7,000,000.
Differences Between Estate and Inheritance Taxes
The Urban Institute says estate taxes are levied on the value of the estate when someone dies. An inheritance tax is charged against the value of the portion given to the heir.Spousal Limits on Inheritances
A surviving spouse does not need to pay any inheritance taxes when a spouse dies. The exception is when a surviving spouse is not a U.S. citizen. In that case, the deduction will be $164,000 in 2022, and $175,000 in 2023.State Taxes on Estates
Where you live determines whether or not you will pay state estate taxes. Most states do not impose a state estate tax, but 17 states do, along with the District of Columbia. The exemption amounts at the state level are usually much lower than at the federal level.Gift Tax Exemption
One tax-free way to give away your money before you die is give it to your benefactors. In 2022, you can give gifts up to $16,000 per person. This figure has been raised to $17,000 for 2023. It is deductible on your taxes.The $17,000 limit is for one person. It means a couple could give twice as much to the same person if they wanted, or $34,000.
Inheritance Taxes
When an heir receives the assets in an estate, some states will require taxes. Only six states have inheritance taxes: Iowa, Maryland, Nebraska, Kentucky, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Only Maryland has an estate tax and an inheritance tax. Spouses do not pay taxes on inheritance in any of those states.Avoiding Double Taxation
In case you are wondering, the federal government has created a way for an estate to avoid double taxation. SmartAsset says the estate tax prevents this problem.
How to Avoid or Reduce Estate Taxes
1) Give Personal Gifts
Give gifts valued at $16,000 or less (in 2022 and $17,000 in 2023) to as many people as you want. You can do this each year—and even give it to the same person each year if you want—but avoid exceeding the lifetime gift exclusion amount.2) Make Donations to Charity
SmartAsset mentions that you can also give gifts to charity through charitable trusts. The two choices are charitable lead trusts (CLTs) and charitable remainder trusts (CRTs).A CLT gives some of your assets to a charity, which reduces your taxable estate. After a specified period—or when you die—the remaining assets are distributed to your beneficiaries.
3) Buy Life Insurance
It takes time to settle an estate. Hopefully, your beneficiaries will not need to sell your assets at a discount to raise money for taxes. You could solve this problem by buying life insurance to cover the various taxes that your beneficiaries will need to pay before your estate is settled.The best way to do this is to set up an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT) soon and transfer the policy to the trust. It ensures that estate taxes do not need to be paid on the policy amount—which could go to the estate, SmartAsset says, if you die within three years after making the transfer.
There are several ways to reduce your estate without having you or your heirs pay taxes on it. Taking steps now while you can enable you to see your heirs benefit from some of the money now. Contact an estate planner to learn how to ensure your beneficiaries will get the most money from the lifetime gift tax exemption.