This Revolutionary New Device Has Saved 2,600+ Lives (Every Home Should Have One!)

This Revolutionary New Device Has Saved 2,600+ Lives (Every Home Should Have One!)
Do you know what to do if someone you love starts choking? 
If you don’t know the heimlich maneuver, you could be completely unprepared in such a life-threatening situation. And even if you do, the heimlich is not suitable in many common choking situations.
This article focuses on three categories of people who are most at risk for choking - and one product these people should always have on hand.

People Who Live Alone

If you live alone, especially if you’re older, you should be extremely wary of choking. In fact, it might shock you just how dangerous a meal by yourself could be.
With age comes weakness in the muscles that control swallowing, also known as dysphagia. Even unnoticed dysphagia can make eating dangerous, increasing your risk of:
  • Eating or drinking too quickly
  • Swallowing food before it is properly chewed
  • Swallowing small objects like an almond

Pregnant Women

One of the most common ways to rescue a choking victim is abdominal thrusts – otherwise known as the heimlich maneuver. However, there are many cases where it is difficult or impossible to perform abdominal thrusts.
With pregnant women, this is what increases their risk of choking. Few people know the proper way to use abdominal thrusts during pregnancy. On top of this, even when correctly performed, abdominal thrusts only work 70-86% of the time.
So when the maneuver is made more difficult, as it is during pregnancy, the danger of choking increases dramatically.

Babies & Toddlers

Babies and young children are at the highest risk of death from choking. In fact, on average, one child dies every 5 days from choking in the United States. Foods like hard candy, gum, meats, and nuts are more dangerous than any parent realizes, and could easily cause a life threatening blockage.
To put the problem in perspective, one doctor stated, “If you were going to get the best engineer in the world, you couldn’t design a better plug for a child’s airway than a hot dog.”
And yet, it is also notoriously difficult to perform abdominal thrusts and back blows on children. The same fragility that makes them prone to choking also makes these procedures especially dangerous.

So What Can I Do?

What’s clear is that everyone should have some kind of choking remedy on hand, especially those listed above. And luckily, the perfect product for this already exists.
The LifeVac is a patented device, made right here in the USA, that has proven incredibly effective at clearing airways in a choking emergency. And unlike other options, its design makes it as simple as possible.

How LifeVac Works: A Simple, Life-Saving Tool

When you’re met with a choking emergency, you’ll want something that works in seconds. That’s exactly what LifeVac does.
Here’s how it works: you place the device over the mouth, push to create a vacuum, and pull with ease. The suction then removes the blockage, allowing air to flow freely again. There’s no need for strength or complicated maneuvers. It’s designed to be used by anyone, anywhere, without any special training.
And unlike other methods, it’s safe to use on people of all ages. The LifeVac has been independently tested and verified, so you know you can trust it when you need it most. It’s a safety net that gives you one more tool in your emergency kit when the unexpected happens.

LifeVac has already saved over 2,629 lives… and counting.

The LifeVac isn’t just another gadget. It’s a proven, life-saving device that has already saved thousands of lives, including children and adults across the country. 
It’s earned an impressive 4.8 out of 5-star rating on Amazon, with over 17,000 reviews from grateful families. 
Medical professionals endorse it as well, recognizing its effectiveness. Meanwhile, clinical studies show it to be 100% effective.
If that’s not enough to warrant an investment, think of it as a safety net. You may never need to use it, but when the time comes, you’ll be glad it’s there.
Whether you’re a parent concerned about your child’s safety or someone who wants to be prepared for emergencies...
The LifeVac is a must-have. 
In summary, choking is a dangerous problem that most people simply don’t think about – until something terrible happens. The risk of choking is especially high in certain groups, such as babies, pregnant women, and people who live alone. It is recommended that anyone in these groups keep a LifeVac nearby at all times, to avoid this hidden danger. 
Choking happens fast, and there’s often little time to react. But with LifeVac by your side, you don’t have to feel helpless. You can take control of the situation in seconds and potentially save a life.
Protect your loved ones—and yourself—by making sure the LifeVac is a part of your home’s emergency plan.
Please don’t wait until it’s too late. 
IMPORTANT: The market is flooded with dangerous knockoffs of LifeVac, which could lead to life-threatening situations. To ensure you are purchasing the official LifeVac, use this verified link to buy the patented, Made-in-USA product.