New Release
In this animated tale based on a book by author Terry Pratchett, scrappy feline Maurice (voiced by Hugh Laurie) joins forces with a piper and a group of talking rats to realize his dreams (and schemes) of striking it rich. However, once they make it to the town of Bad Blintz, their plans go awry.
With a bevy of great voice actors and excellent computer-generated animation, this is an enjoyable movie that should appeal to both kids and adults. It’s filled with light peril, whimsical humor, and some genuinely touching moments.
Indie Pick
‘Lost in Translation’
In this charming indie from director Sofia Coppola, Bob Harris (Bill Murray), a washed-up movie star in the midst of a midlife crisis, is on an advertising job in Tokyo. In the hotel bar, Bob meets young Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson), who’s going through her own challenges. As both feel lost in life, the two form a genuine friendship that helps to ease each other’s angst.
Fortunately, this quirky comic drama never devolves into sentimentality, mainly due to natural dialogue, earthy acting, and the chemistry between its stars.
Going for a Big Dream
In the tough manufacturing suburb of Joliet, Illinois, college-aged Daniel E. “Rudy” Ruettiger (Sean Astin) has aspirations of playing football for the University of Notre Dame. However, his grades and athletic talent aren’t strong enough and prove to be obstacles he must face in order to realize his big dream.
This biographical sports drama about the real-life Rudy Ruettiger features great acting and a hopeful message about never giving up on one’s dreams, despite whatever challenges one faces.
Urban Teens in 1950s America
‘Rebel Without a Cause’
This drama follows Jim Stark (James Dean), a teenager whose family has just moved to Los Angeles. Jim has issues with his parents but finds solace in 16-year-old Judy (Natalie Wood). However, trouble soon arrives in the form of Judy’s rough-and-tumble boyfriend.
This powerful film deals with the urban teen angst of the post-war era and features an ideal cast in gutsy performances.