Korea CEO Summit Director: ‘I can see the beauty of the [DPA] arts’

Bong-Gyu Park, founder and director of Korea CEO Summit and also president of the 2080 CEO Forum, attended DPA in Seoul
Korea CEO Summit Director: ‘I can see the beauty of the [DPA] arts’
Bong-Gyu Park, founder and director of Korea CEO Summit The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/Park.jpg" alt="Bong-Gyu Park, founder and director of Korea CEO Summit (The Epoch Times)" title="Bong-Gyu Park, founder and director of Korea CEO Summit (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1785584"/></a>
Bong-Gyu Park, founder and director of Korea CEO Summit (The Epoch Times)
SEOUL, South Korea—Many influential business people and politicians were attracted to the Universal Arts Center Theater on Feb. 4, a weekday, to watch Divine Performing Arts (DPA) 2009 World Tour’s first show in the city.

Several of them gathered in the lobby to share their feelings with each other at the end of the show. Among them was Bong-Gyu Park, founder and director of Korea CEO Summit and also president of the 2080 CEO Forum, who volunteered for an interview.

“It’s hard to imagine a performance as beautifully organized as DPA could be held in Korea,” he said.

“Sumptuous costumes! I can see the beauty of the arts throughout this performance, and the concept of the performance is also unique.

“Especially interesting were the stories of the monkey king and the poet Li Bai [The Poet’s Vision] which are stories we have all read about in textbooks, so they were easy to understand. Presenting these stories in artistic form brings them closer to the audience.”

Mr. Park was impressed the most by Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution about a father who was a Falun Dafa practitioner persecuted to death by the communists.

“I’ve occasionally heard about China’s persecution of Falun Gong in the news, and I have read information about it. After watching the show, I feel that the problem is indeed very serious”

Mr. Park founded the 2080 CEO Forum in 2003. This forum has hosted many enriching events that brought it into the international spotlight. In October 2004, the 2080 CEO Forum hosted the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (an international conference that calls upon leaders of the world to renounce nuclear weapons and “remember their humanity”).

Mr. Park was a recipient of the Economic Ambassador Award and Foreign Minister Award from the Mongolian government. He hosted a themed forum in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, called Genghis Khan Strategies CEOs Could Use in 21st Century Businesses. The 2080 CEO Forum has approximately 3,000 members and continues to host many international economic forums.

For more information please see DivinePerformingArts.org