Detroit Couple, Both Aged 94, Share Their Secret to 75 Years of Wedded Bliss

Detroit Couple, Both Aged 94, Share Their Secret to 75 Years of Wedded Bliss
Courtesy of Alecia Green
Daksha Devnani

A nonagenarian Detroit couple who met when they were just 13 have shared their secret to a long-lasting marriage as they celebrate 75 years of wedded bliss.

“I need to say that my husband and I, we don’t argue,” Myrtle Green, 94 told The Epoch Times. “We communicate with each other.”

Albert, 94, who was born in South Carolina, met Myrtle in Detroit when his brother got married to one of her neighbors.

Myrtle and Albert Green on their 75th wedding anniversary. (Courtesy of Alecia Green)
Myrtle and Albert Green on their 75th wedding anniversary. Courtesy of Alecia Green

Although only teens back then, for Albert, it was love at first sight. He said: “The first time I saw her, I said, ‘I’m going to marry her.’”

And Myrtle found Albert “nice,” though they didn’t begin dating right then. Their relationship blossomed in high school, and they realized that they both had a lot in common as they enjoyed going out for dances and movies together.

Albert Green from his younger days. (Courtesy of Alecia Green)
Albert Green from his younger days. Courtesy of Alecia Green
Myrtle Green from her younger days. (Courtesy of Alecia Green)
Myrtle Green from her younger days. Courtesy of Alecia Green

In 1946, aged 19, the couple tied the knot in a parsonage.

“And we’ve been together for 75 years,” Myrtle said. “We have never, never been separate, not by one day.”

Over the years, the couple went on to have four children and were proud owners of Green’s Variety Store on the southwest side of Detroit for 55 years before they retired in 2015. According to Click on Detroit, their store was the last one standing in the Detroit-based Delray community at that time.

Apart from working together, the Greens really enjoy each other’s company to this date. They say they like watching movies, sports channels, and talking to each other.

(L–R) Debra, Alecia, Quentin, and Linda. (Courtesy of Alecia Green)
(L–R) Debra, Alecia, Quentin, and Linda. Courtesy of Alecia Green

“They talk now more than ever, and they have a lot to talk about as they don’t have any interruptions,” the couple’s youngest daughter, Alecia Green, told The Epoch Times.

Additionally, Albert enjoys Myrtle’s food, as she continues to cook for the two of them to this day.

In August 2021, as the couple rang in their 75th wedding anniversary, the community came out to honor their commitment to each other with a honking parade and virtual anniversary party outside Revelation Lutheran Church.

“So many people came out to see us,” Myrtle said. “I felt good ... I appreciate it so much.”

Alecia shared that those who couldn’t make it sent video messages and their good wishes. The couple were happy to even receive a video message from the man they sold their store to.

Witnessing the overwhelming love from the community, Alecia said she was very “excited.”

Myrtle and Albert Green at their 50th wedding anniversary. (Courtesy of Alecia Green)
Myrtle and Albert Green at their 50th wedding anniversary. Courtesy of Alecia Green

“I was very happy, appreciative and honored, because they have been so wonderful to my parents, and they have been remarkable at remembering them,” Alecia said, adding that the Detroit Police Department led the parade.

Additionally, Alecia said she’s really grateful that people took out time from their schedule to surprise her parents despite dealing with some difficult days due to COVID-19.

Alecia, who has witnessed firsthand her parents growing old together, said their commitment, love, calmness, and respect for each other is what she admires most about them, as they celebrate their milestone wedding anniversary.

(Courtesy of Alecia Green)
Courtesy of Alecia Green

She said she has also learned a lot from their marriage, such as to work hard and toward the same thing.

“Treat others the way you want to be treated, and pay it forward. And so that’s what we do because that’s what they exhibited at all times,” Alecia said. “We never even heard our parents have any kind of disagreement at all, ever.”

“We were able to see what we were being taught and hoped for.”

Apart from communication being the foundation of their long-lasting marriage, Myrtle stresses the significance of respect for and understanding each other.

(Courtesy of Alecia Green)
Courtesy of Alecia Green

As to how they handle disagreement if and when it arises, Myrtle said: “I listen to him when he has something to say; I give my opinion. And he does the same.” And then they come to an agreement.

Albert, who echoed the same sentiment as his wife, said, “We don’t use profanity, either.”

The couple also shared advice for the younger generation about how to maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

“Be honest and be nice,” Myrtle said. “Don’t ever go to bed angry. Even though you might be angry, say goodnight.”

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