Defending the Constitution

Defending the Constitution
The Reader's Turn

Thank you for publishing the excellent 12-page special edition “Defending the Constitution” by professor Robert G. Natelson [July 7–13]. While I keep and refer to my free pocket Constitution from Hillsdale College and have completed their free online Constitution 101 course in 2014, I am not a constitutional scholar. I found this first installment of the Defending America Initiative by The Epoch Times to be very readable, timely, and knowledgeable.

We are in a difficult time for our country, where progressives are disrupting its glory and calling it what it is not, presumably to gain political advantage and power. They want to rewrite the Constitution and our laws to their way of thinking to gain ongoing political advantage. I hope the voters will wise up and see the error of the ways of the progressives. However, there are so many institutions, unions, corporations, etc., that are protecting and spewing progressive views. It will not be easy to stand up to them and rein them in. But we must try.

On page 10, in “Limits on Federal Authority,” Natelson writes when talking about the history of decentralization that “the most welcoming places were rewarded with the most progress.” We can see that occurring now. States that limited federal unemployment benefits opened up businesses, and restricted the freedom-crushing effects of COVID-19 have been rewarded with better economies. People are also moving in droves out of California, New York City, and Chicago, to name a few, to a freer, less tax-ridden, less crime-ridden states like Florida, Arizona, and Idaho.

I look forward to reading and saving every installment of the Defending America Initiative. I hope that subscribers to The Epoch Times will share them with their children and grandchildren. We have a lot of work to do to turn things around.



The Reader's Turn
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