Building Self-Confidence: The Ultimate DIY Project

Building Self-Confidence: The Ultimate DIY Project
Self-confident people make their own opportunities by constantly being open to and aware of ways to grow themselves and their skillset. Fei Meng
Self-confidence is one of the most impressive traits a person can have. The good news is, even if it doesn’t come naturally, it can be developed and will improve your life—but it has to come from within.

Dare to Be Successful

Self-confident people are eager to take on new challenges because they realize that it’s only through trying new things, not all of which they'll be able to master, that they can grow their skills and themselves. Consciously moving beyond their comfort zones, they take pride in their accomplishments and then immediately set new goals. These people are able to enjoy an expanded sense of self-worth and self-confidence. Author and psychologist Nathaniel Branden sums it up well: “The reputation you have with yourself—your self-esteem—is the single most important factor for a fulfilling life.”

Perfection Isn’t Always Necessary

Striving for perfection in every task is admirable, but it can work against you. While it’s natural to be good at some things, others may take more time and effort to master. However, if you judge any results that are less than perfect as a failure, it can undermine your overall self-confidence. Be gentle with yourself as you learn new skill sets. Track your improvement as time goes by, and keep your confidence healthy by reminding yourself of the other tasks you do well, without letting it go to your head (nobody likes a narcissist).

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Spending time with and around people who are supportive and have positive attitudes creates an ideal environment for improving your self-confidence. By aligning yourself with those who want to see others do well and prosper, as opposed to those who are focused solely on themselves, it’s easier to try new things and accept that failure is sometimes required to find the path to success. Rely on their feedback to help you build confidence, and be sure to give as good as you get and be there for them in turn. Being a well-liked co-worker, neighbor, or friend is a shortcut to self-confidence.

Be Healthy

Feeling good about yourself and your abilities is a must for self-confidence; overall good health is vital. Some confidence bashers can be subliminal, such as insecurities around your weight or appearance. Without becoming obsessive, and following a physician’s advice, adding physical fitness to the daily routine and committing to healthy eating habits can help make anyone feel better from the inside out. Taking pride in one’s appearance and maintaining good hygiene can also help boost confidence.

Do It Yourself

Resist the urge to compare yourself to others, be they relatives, co-workers, or media figures. Everyone had to start somewhere, and even those who were born into a privileged lifestyle had to prove to themselves they had the “right stuff.” On a similar note, don’t wait for someone to provide an opportunity to grow, as that might take a long time—if it ever happens at all. Self-confident people make their own opportunities by constantly being open to and aware of ways to grow themselves and their skillset. Only those skills you gain based on your own effort have real meaning, making self-confidence the ultimate DIY project.
Sandy Lindsey
Sandy Lindsey
Sandy Lindsey is an award-winning writer who covers home, gardening, DIY projects, pets, and boating. She has two books with McGraw-Hill.
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