Build a Dog Kennel

Build a Dog Kennel
DIY kennels can be useful to keep your dog temporarily in a familiar and secure place, such as when a family with small children is visiting, or as an aid to housetraining. Kennel kits come in a variety of sizes. Dreamstime/TNS

You can create a safe outdoor space for a dog with a kennel made of chain link fencing. It’s a popular solution for your pet’s own place to roam and rest. You’ll find modular kits in various sizes and configurations or hire a fencing contractor to build one custom-made. The kennel is a system of frames and mesh panels with a gate and roof that is secured with tie-down stakes and anchors hammered into the ground. You’ll find some kits are made of mesh panels that fit together, while others require stretching the mesh fabric over the frames. There are many sizes of kennel kits available, which you’ll find sold online, at home and lawn centers and at fence companies.

Locate a dog kennel in a dry, level area and a place that is shaded from the sun and wind. Before you get into this project, check with your local building department to see if a building permit for an outdoor structure is needed, because it is in many communities.

A popular size for a small portable kennel is 7-by-9-feet wide and 7.5 feet high, with a gate for entry. To build one, a fence contractor will charge $300, which includes labor and material. You can buy a kennel kit of similar size for $180, install it and pocket 40%.

To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit and on smartphones.

Pro Cost — DIY Cost — Pro time — DIY Time — DIY Savings — Percent Saved

$300 — $180 — 4.0 — 6.0 — $120 — 40 percent

Gene and Katie Hamilton
Gene and Katie Hamilton
©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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