Woman Who Threw Paint at ‘Black Lives’ Mural Plans Lawsuit, Asks Victims to ’Reach Out’

Woman Who Threw Paint at ‘Black Lives’ Mural Plans Lawsuit, Asks Victims to ’Reach Out’
(Top L) Bevelyn Beatty from Atwell Ministries was arrested for criminal mischief on July 18, 2020 (Yuki Iwamura/AP Photo); (Bottom L) Illustration (Shutterstock); (R) A man holds a Black Lives Matter sign as a police car burns during a protest on May 29, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia. Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images
Michael Wing

The woman who threw black paint on the Black Lives Matter mural at Trump Tower announced she has teamed up with lawyers to go after the activist group.

“We’re going to hit ‘em where it hurts, in their pockets,” Bevelyn Beatty from Atwell Ministries in a video on Instagram.

The street preacher then posted a message on Twitter asking members of the public who have suffered at the hands of BLM to contact her for help offering free legal services.
“Working with lawyers across the country to file lawsuits against BLM for the damage and destruction they’ve caused to persons and property,” Beatty wrote. “If you or someone you know has been injured or their property destroyed because of the riots incited by BLM, please reachout!”
Looters emerge from an Urban Outfitters store with merchandise during a riot on May 30, 2020 in Seattle, Washington. (Karen Ducey/Getty Images)
Looters emerge from an Urban Outfitters store with merchandise during a riot on May 30, 2020 in Seattle, Washington. Karen Ducey/Getty Images
In her Instagram video posted a day earlier, Beatty offered to help anyone who has proof they are a victim of BLM get in touch with a lawyer, at no charge, and vowed to bring the organization to justice.

“I’ve been praying for ways to fight back,” she said in the video. “Painting that mural was a symbolic way to express our freedom of speech. But regardless of that, BLM still has to come down.

“If any of you of any state—I’m talking to the small business owners, I’m talking to people whose family members have died in the middle of being in Black Lives Matter riots—if you have in any way, shape, or form been directly affected by Black Lives Matter, contact me at [email protected].

“And we are going to file a class-action lawsuit against Black Lives Matter. But we cannot do it alone.”

Beatty also issued a warning for members of Anti members to “lay low” or they would “sue the bejesus out of you, too.”

She added, “And we don’t care whatever Antifa people are watching this and feel they want to come against it; it doesn’t make a difference; you cannot stop God.”

A man holds a Black Lives Matter sign as a police car burns during a protest on May 29, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images)
A man holds a Black Lives Matter sign as a police car burns during a protest on May 29, 2020 in Atlanta, Georgia. Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images

At the time of writing, over 11k Twitter users responded to the post, with some offering advice and encouragement.

“See if you can reach out to the lawyers, the married couple who were charged for protecting their homes with guns outside their property,” suggested @VinceCarter717, apparently referring to the McCloskeys who stood in front of their homes with guns drawn while rioters broke into their gated community. “Looks like their charges will be dropped. They’ve definitely suffered damage.”

@JosieLe62818667 wrote: “Literally anyone in cities effected by the rioters has a stake in this. That’s a huge lawsuit waiting to take BLM down. It’s a home run waiting to happen!!!”

NYPD officers attempt to detain Bevelyn Beatty, 29, who poured black paint on the Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on Saturday, July 18, 2020. (Yuki Iwamura/AP Photo)
NYPD officers attempt to detain Bevelyn Beatty, 29, who poured black paint on the Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on Saturday, July 18, 2020. Yuki Iwamura/AP Photo

The street preacher’s Twitter page @BevelynZBeatty was started in July 2020, and it quickly attracted nearly 66k followers, to date.

Beatty went viral on social media for throwing black paint on the BLM mural on 5th Avenue on July 18 and two other murals in Harlem and Brooklyn. Beatty and one other person were arrested for criminal mischief but were released.
The 5th Avenue mural was also defaced at least two other times that same week.
Michael Wing
Michael Wing
Editor and Writer
Michael Wing is a writer and editor based in Calgary, Canada, where he was born and educated in the arts. He writes mainly on culture, human interest, and trending news.
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