Of the many things that can go wrong in restaurants, ending up with another person’s partially eaten and returned food is among the worst.
A woman in New Zealand was no doubt looking forward to taking a big bite out of her just-purchased Big Mac – until she realized some stranger had already done that.
After making the stomach-turning discovery, Lakyn Taite-Allen went back to the Auckland McDonald’s where she had purchased the pre-bitten burger to complain.
She was told that what she was reporting was impossible.
As many people with unresolved customer service issues do, Taite-Allen aired her grievances on Facebook, picture of the burger and all.
She has since received an apology, as a review of surveillance footage at the restaurant revealed the Big Mac had, in fact, been returned and accidentally served again.
Woman in New Zealand Served Big Mac With a Bite Missing (Video)
A woman in New Zealand was no doubt looking forward to taking a big bite out of her just-purchased Big Mac – until she realized some stranger had already done that.

By Epoch Video