Wisconsin Firefighters Form Giant Heart With Fire Trucks As Tribute to Health Care Workers

Wisconsin Firefighters Form Giant Heart With Fire Trucks As Tribute to Health Care Workers
(Illustration - kaband/Shutterstock)

In Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the local fire department wanted to make sure to show their appreciation for the health care workers tirelessly battling on the front lines of the pandemic. Now, their meaningful display of thanks, offered up in the form of a giant heart made out of first responder vehicles, is going viral.

It all started when the Town of Sheboygan Fire Department announced plans for a tribute on their Facebook page on April 8th, sharing a picture of a giant heart drawn in brightly colored chalk underscored by the word “hope.”

“We need your help and support!! Join us this Saturday in supporting Healthcare workers everywhere, and starting a nationwide movement. Please share this post and let’s start making #heartsforhealthcare,” they wrote.

They planned a grand gesture to coincide with the 7 p.m. gratitude displays that communities had been planning worldwide.

In the Facebook post, they shared:
“At 7pm, we will be placing our apparatus in the shape of a heart to show our love and support for healthcare workers nationwide. We encourage the public to also join us either at their local fire department or in their own driveways, sidewalks, or windows by drawing hearts for healthcare to show your love for those on the front lines fighting!”
Sure enough, the brigade brought out their red fire trucks, EMT vehicles, and pickups to arrange in the shape of a heart in an empty parking lot. Then, someone shot an aerial video of the display using a drone from above—and that video quickly went viral as a way to show the appreciation and gratitude for those battling the virus.

The department’s symbolic gesture didn’t just reach health care workers thanks to their own fire truck display, though. Using the hashtag #HeartsForHealthCare, the department encouraged others both in their community and around the web to show their own appreciation for all of the front line workers who have been putting themselves at risk to ensure patients—both with COVID-19 and battling other illnesses during the pandemic—are able to get the best care possible.

And members of the Sheboygan community responded perfectly, taking to their own driveways and sidewalks to write out messages of thanks as well; from chalk lettering proclaiming “our heroes wear scrubs” and “to the front line, thank you!” the community got together to make sure that those closest to the battle at hand knew how much their work was recognized.

The department also expressed just how grateful they were for all of the support shown in a Facebook post last month, mentioning that they received support everywhere from in person to online.

“It’s difficult to find the words to thank the public for their show of support this evening, both online and those that came out to drive by,” they wrote on social media, adding, “In solidarity with all other first responders and healthcare professionals fighting through these challenging times, we appreciate the words of encouragement.”
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