Have you ever had a hard time deciphering another person, figuring out what makes them tick and how to interact with them? Check their birthday and you might discover that they are a Piscean.
This water sign, which covers those born from February 18 to March 20, imparts a series of contrasting characteristics that make those born under it difficult to understand.
Today, we'll look at this unique and perplexing sign and how better to understand the people you encounter who have it.

1. They Feel Your Pain

One of Pisces’ most pronounced qualities is empathy, which can be positive or negative.
On the one hand, Pisceans feel very deeply, and this includes the emotions of others around them. This makes them wonderful people to have around when you are going through hard times. There won’t be any question about their ability to understand your problems.
2. They Wear Their Hearts on Their Sleeves

Part of their ability to understand others’ emotions comes from the fact that they feel everything very deeply. Displaying their emotions so transparently can lead to getting hurt and taking offense where none is intended.
3. They Are Unpredictable

Pisceans can exhibit wildly different sides of their personality in one day or even one interaction. They are always in search of something new, and this restless spirit can make them seem very indecisive.
4. They Need Time To Themselves

Pisceans have a definite need for alone time and are almost always introverts by nature. This is confusing as they are often trying new things, approaching new people, and generally being busy in the world.
5. They Accept Everyone Equally

One of the best qualities of Pisceans is their lack of prejudice. Since they favor feeling over thinking, they don’t come into too many situations with preconceived notions.
6. They Have Great Creative Potential

When you learn that Justin Bieber, Rihanna, and Drew Barrymore are all Pisceans, it helps make sense of this sign’s capacity for imagination. Experiencing the world in a heartfelt way, they are bombarded with thoughts, feelings, sights, and sounds.
7. They Mirror Their Environment

As the title “water sign” suggests, Pisceans are reflective of what’s going around them. Their fluidity and changeability means that they naturally fit in wherever they end up.
8. They Look For Excitement

9. They Are The Final Sign

In the Western zodiac, Pisces is the last sign of the astrological year before Aries gets the next year started. This helps explain why Pisceans have so many qualities of all the signs that have come before it. The duality of Pisces, reflected in the depiction of two fish swimming in opposite directions, encompasses the various impulses contained in the whole zodiac.
This means that Pisceans have a little bit of everything in them, which can make them difficult to get a hold on. For people who value time and patience, having a Pisces around can be a tremendously enriching experience.