When kids found this dog, they thought he was dead, then they called for Hope

When kids found this dog, they thought he was dead, then they called for Hope
Michael Wing

When a handful of neighborhood kids from Los Angeles found Nobu, they thought he was dead. It turned out, though, that the poor, homeless dog was just in dire straits—living on the streets of LA had taken its toll.

The good thing was that these kids were savvy enough on the web to know about Hope for Paws rescue organization from watching their famously heartwarming dog rescues on YouTube.

The group’s founder, Eldad Hagar, has been going out to save desperate strays for 10 years now—and making videos of each episode before posting them online—the best part of which was seeing dogs, once dwelling in endless misery, getting a lift into a better life.

Hope for Paws
Hope for Paws

When Hagar arrived at the neighborhood with his longtime dog rescue partner Loreta Frankonyte, the small gang of kids were huddled near the side of a road, near where the dog was resting, waiting for the well-known pair to arrive.

Of course, they were excited to meet the rescue heroes, whom they knew from watching their videos. The kids had left out food and drink for Nobu, and he seemed unafraid enough to let the pair come near.

Loreta, whose gentle air and sweet call was often enough to disarm even the most terrified stray dogs—many dogs living on the streets are distrustful of humans—opted to approach Nobu, who was curled up next to a large, fallen branch watching them curiously.

Hope for Paws
Hope for Paws

Their finesse at catching dogs that don’t want to be caught showed in this encounter as Loreta effortlessly sent a loop around Nobu’s neck with her “lucky leash.” She had him!

Even though he was in good hands, yet, Nobu yelped and tried to flee once he realized that he had been snagged by the human stranger, though it was no use.

Soon, Loreta closed in and soothed his panicking with her incredibly tender embrace. They were about to lift Nobu out of his garbage-laden nook forever.

“Alright,” said Hagar. “Good job. Thank you guys, we’ll keep you posted okay?” And with that, they were off to give Nobu a bath and, hopefully, find him a new home.

Hope for Paws
Hope for Paws

The poor dog was literally covered with hundreds of ticks, though he allowed the pair to examine him and pluck them off one by one without fussing—he knew they were helping by now. Then, after a warm bath and getting the streets washed clean off him, Nobu slept like he had never slept before, saved at last.

When he woke up, he was a new dog—a transformation of spirit that becomes the best part of any rescue. Watch this episode, produced by Hope for Paws, and see how Nobu repays his saviors by showering them with joy and gratitude:

Afterward, thankfully, another organization, called Smooch Pooch, was able to find a loving human family to take Nobu into their home. This lucky pooch will know only love and sunny days from now on, all thanks to a few caring neighborhood kids and the heroes who answered the call.
Hope for Paws
Hope for Paws

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