What Not to Do on Your Trip to Australia

Are you planning on another overseas trip? If you are trying to look up a new place, it would be easy to see a lot
What Not to Do on Your Trip to Australia
Kangaroo traffic sign via Shutterstock*

Are you planning on another overseas trip? If you are trying to look up a new place, it would be easy to see a lot of suggestions especially from other travelers who have also been there. Social media definitely opened the eyes of backpackers and allowed them to have a glimpse of what their destination would turn out to be. For those who are up for a laidback holiday, Australia can be a good place to visit and while there, some things may not turn out to be ideal. Here’s a quick list of things that you should not do while in the country:

Stray From Marked Paths

There is no denying that Australia is a great place where you can see all kinds of animals in the bush but even if you have an adventurous streak, you should never stray from marked paths. The wilderness is a big part of life in Australia but when you get careless, dying in the bush is definitely possible so if you are not an expert, stay on the marked path.

Do Not Surf Without Knowing the Basic Rules

A surfer about to be enveloped by a huge foam ball via Shutterstock*
A surfer about to be enveloped by a huge foam ball via Shutterstock*

There is no denying that Australia is a good place to go surfing. Almost every coastal town in Australia has surfers who are a bit territorial about their local hangout. If you do not know the lessons on etiquette, do not attempt to surf with them. One thing to keep in mind is the right of way to the waves which belongs to the surfer who is closest to the wave’s peak. Another thing is not to let go of your board, don’t drop in someone else’s wave and don’t let go of your board.
Don’t drive on the right hand side. One thing that you should be aware of is that in Australia, you have to drive in the left hand side of the road. This can be a bit confusing if you are used to driving on the right hand side, so you should be prepared for it especially if you are planning to go driving.

Do Not Swim Beyond the Flags and on Unpatrolled Areas

Australia has been known for its really nice beaches but it is important to be careful when you are out swimming in the country. There is no need to take unnecessary risks. Make sure that you are not putting yourself in danger by checking whether there are sharks or poisonous jellyfish in the area. There could also be dangerous undertows as well as rips which can put, even strong swimmers, in danger. Just to be safe, never swim between flags and stay in patrolled areas.

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This article was written by Magarette L. originally published on www.etravelblog.com. Read the original here.

*Image of kangaroo traffic sign via Shutterstock

*Image of a surfer about to be enveloped by a huge foam ball via Shutterstock