Weatherstrip a Garage Threshold

Weatherstrip a Garage Threshold
You'll find replacement thresholds sold at hardware stores, home centers and online. Tsunami Seal/TNS

Do you notice dirt, rain and snow creeping into your garage at the door threshold? That’s caused by the continued weight of a car driving in and out over the seal created by the threshold. The seal breaks down over time. It’s an obvious problem for any garage door, but one you can solve by removing the damaged seal and replacing it with a new threshold. You’ll find replacement thresholds sold at hardware stores, home centers and online. The material comes in a roll and is applied with an adhesive.

The job is straightforward. Pry off the old seal from the floor and clean the area so it’s free of dirt, water and oil, then apply rubbing alcohol to the surface. Unroll the weatherstripping material and apply the adhesive; then put it in place. Use the weight of the door closed to maintain the seal and allow the adhesive to bond to the surface for 24 hours.

To do the job a handyman will charge $165, which includes labor and material. You can buy the weatherstripping and adhesive in a kit for $70 and install it yourself, saving 58% for your effort.

To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit and on smartphones.

Pro Cost — DIY Cost — Pro time — DIY Time — DIY Savings — Percent Saved

$165 — $70 — 1.0 — 1.5 — $95 — 58%

©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Gene and Katie Hamilton
Gene and Katie Hamilton
©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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