Weatherproof an Old Window

It may not be a permanent solution, but it will help save some money on the next bill.
Weatherproof an Old Window
The blast of hot air from the dryer creates a shrink-wrap that seals the window from inside and creates a clear, tight-fitting film. Gene Hamilton/TNS

Seal up a drafty window and keep your energy bills under control with an inexpensive window insulation kit. It isn’t pretty or a permanent solution, but an interior storm window is a quick-fix to stop wind from whistling through old rattling windows.

Window insulation kits, sold in hardware stores and home centers, contain plastic sheeting and double-faced tape that you cut and install on the inside of the window. You measure the window and cut the sheeting, tape the sheeting to the window trim to cover the glass, and then install it using a hair dryer. The blast of hot air from the dryer creates a shrink-wrap that seals the window from inside and creates a clear, tight-fitting film. You also need a measuring tape, scissors, a utility knife and a stepladder.

Installing window insulation film is an ideal job for a first-time do-it-yourselfer because it’s easy to do and requires so few tools. A handyman will charge $90 for labor and material to install four window insulation kits. However, you can buy the kits for $45 and install them in a few hours, saving 50 percent.

Move any furniture that might get in your way, and temporarily remove or push aside any window treatments. For the best results, wash the window and trim around it, and let the surface dry to give the tape a clean surface to adhere to.

To find more DIY project costs and to post comments and questions, visit and on smartphones.

Pro Cost—DIY Cost—Pro time—DIY Time—DIY Savings—Percent Saved

$90—$45—1.4—2.5—$45—50 percent

Gene and Katie Hamilton
Gene and Katie Hamilton
©2022 Gene and Katie Hamilton. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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