When Remy and Reaney met for the first time, it was as if they had been sisters for a lifetime already, and Remy’s big sister smile was the only communication needed between them.
When 2-year-old Remy first excitedly walked into the hospital room to see her mom, the one she was really there to see was her new sister. The parents caught on video all the preciousness that unfolded when the awestruck “big girl” met the blushing bundle of tender baby resting cozily in her tray.
Besides creating content that goes viral, the parents from Minnetonka, Minnesota, run a photography business while Mr. Hogan, 32, also works in project development for a real estate company.
They say their big girl, Remy, is a curious and keen explorer.
Remy never hesitates “to ask about the meaning of things or engage in adult conversations,” Mrs. Hogan, 31, told The Epoch Times.

Reany, now 4 months old, “is beginning to discover the strength of her vocal cords and core muscles,” the mom said.
Now inseparable, the sisters share a relationship that began as just a vague concept to Remy.
In August 2023, when Remy was 20 months old, Mrs. Hogan learned she was pregnant. She said it took time for Remy to understand that she had a sister growing and developing inside her mom.
“As time went on over the next nine months, I talked with her every day about her ‘baby sister’ that was on the way,” Mrs. Hogan said. “I also involved her in all the preparations to make things fun and exciting.”
In the words of Ernest Hemingway, the dawning realization came “gradually, then suddenly,” and likewise, Remy was told of the pregnancy, realized its meaning, and finally saw what it means to have a new sister.
The now cherished family video shows rambunctious Remy appearing in the hospital room. On the bed with Mom. Looking over the bed. Seeing her sister in the pure white light of the window. Reany resting in her nativity tray. Remy’s looks of wonderment and adorable sisterly love. Unforgettable.
“Remy wanted to hold and kiss her baby sister, seeming to fall in love at first sight,” Mrs. Hogan said.
Only too happily, Big Sister Remy bestows a new, frilly pink dress on her new baby sibling.

Mrs. Hogan share how the moment made her feel. “To see the natural connection and love between Remy and her new baby sister had me smiling, laughing, and crying all at the same time,” she said. “It was such a special moment to feel the roots of our family bond begin to take shape right in front of us!”
The now cherished video also warmed the hearts of nearly 8 million viewers on Instagram.
“I’m not sure I expected the video to go viral, but it is easy to see why it did!” the mom said.

Mrs. Hogan says Remy is still too young to understand the far-reaching effects of social media or to realize that her reaction to her new sister was a special and “heartwarming” experience for millions across the world—but Remy is also too busy having a ball with her new best friend forever to worry about that anyway!
“She has embraced the role of a mentor, eager to show Reaney how things are done,” Mrs. Hogan said. “Remy seems to understand the responsibility of caring for her little sister, displaying a gentle and endearing protectiveness.”
Mrs. Hogan says seeing the two together “brings a giant smile” to her face as she sees their family roots grow and “blossom.”