VIDEO: ‘Friendliest’ Dog Sneaks Into the Field to Do This With His Horse Buddy—‘The Cutest Thing Ever’

VIDEO: ‘Friendliest’ Dog Sneaks Into the Field to Do This With His Horse Buddy—‘The Cutest Thing Ever’
(Courtesy of @sausagesoxandsteve)
Tyler Wilson

Steve, the “friendliest” border collie, and Treacle, a foal, are an unlikely pair, but their tender friendship is making the rounds on the internet.

Tanya Tydeman, the 46-year-old owner of the two best friends, works with horses for a living in a small racing yard in Gloucestershire, England, spending her days with the likes of Steve and Treacle, as well as lots of other horses, in the iconic British countryside.

Originally, Ms. Tydeman wasn’t planning on keeping Steve. She owns his mother, Panda, and had sold a litter of puppies, which included him. However, shortly after his adoption, Steve’s new family experienced a bereavement and had to move abroad.

“They asked me to rehome him, and then we all fell in love with him, and we couldn’t let him go,” Ms. Tydeman told the Epoch Times. “He’s just the loveliest, friendliest dog I’ve ever met. He wants to make friends with everything and everyone, which includes horses, which is quite unusual.”

Ms. Tydeman with Steve and Treacle. (Courtesy of <a href="">@sausagesoxandsteve</a>)
Ms. Tydeman with Steve and Treacle. (Courtesy of @sausagesoxandsteve)

Wanting to make friends is where Steve’s magnetic relationship with Treacle, who is just 8 weeks old, began.

Steve and Treacle met when the cute canine followed Ms. Tydeman while she checked on her horses.

“Usually, the dogs will stay out of the field because I’m cautious of horses. But Steve came in with us, and then he just sat down, which is really polite for a dog,” she said, adding that he then waited for Treacle to come over.

“He was just really patient with her, and she came and had a sniff, and she was a bit unsure, but eventually they just started making friends,” she said.

Steve and Treacle love to hang out and play together. (Courtesy of <a href="">@sausagesoxandsteve</a>)
Steve and Treacle love to hang out and play together. (Courtesy of @sausagesoxandsteve)
Treacle always runs over the fence to see Steve. (Courtesy of <a href="">@sausagesoxandsteve</a>)
Treacle always runs over the fence to see Steve. (Courtesy of @sausagesoxandsteve)

After their first meeting, Ms. Tydeman noticed that Steve would sneak over to the fence where Treacle was, and their relationship has continued to blossom ever since.

Steve can often be seen crawling under Treacle’s fence into her field, where they give each other sniffs and kisses and generally enjoy each other’s company. Ms. Tydeman didn’t want to be the only one seeing their relationship, so she started sharing their videos on her Instagram account, @tmilne123.

“It’s just so beautiful to watch, seeing two animals that don’t usually associate with each other,” she said.

Steve always sneaks up into the field to meet his best friend. (Courtesy of <a href="">@sausagesoxandsteve</a>)
Steve always sneaks up into the field to meet his best friend. (Courtesy of @sausagesoxandsteve)

The videos have enthralled viewers on the internet where Ms. Tydeman says Steve has become “quite famous.”

One person, commenting on the pair, said, “Soulmates can recognize each other in any form!”

Another wrote, “this made me unreasonably emotional.”

On a video with Treacle’s mom in the background, a social media user commented, “I love how momma is just in the back grazing without a care in the world because she knows her baby is in good hands.”

Watch the video:

(Courtesy of @sausagesoxandsteve)
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Tyler lives and scrambles among the mountains of Utah with his wife and 3 children. He has taught history and literature in public and private school settings. He currently teaches at a private school and homeschools his children with his wife. He writes news and human interest stories
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