Video: Drunk Girl Falls Down Slippery Nightclub Stairs

On a night at the Level Nightclub in Manchester, England, a guest at the club does the latter, gliding down a flight of stairs in one swoop, with both her hands attached to the bannisters at all times.
Jonathan Zhou

There’s falling down a flight of stairs, and falling down a flight of stairs with grace. 

On a night at the Level Nightclub in Manchester, England, a guest at the club does the latter, gliding down a flight of stairs in one swoop, with both her hands attached to the bannisters at all times. 

Olivia Wood, who was drunk when the fell occurred, thankfully escaped the fall with only a bruise and no other injury. 

It was a fun experience for Wood.

“I was tipsy but not wasted and just misread the step situation,” she told the Metro. 

It was a fun experience for Wood. 

“I just remember holding my breath the whole way down and saying to the woman who helped me up, ‘I felt like superman then!’” Wood said.

“Then I just got up, laughed and went and got a well earned shot! I just have a bruised leg thankfully, but I still had a great night!” she said.

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.