Unique Christmas Dinners Around the World (Video)

British restaurant app, Bookatable has taken a look at typical Christmas dinners around the world, and there are some interesting dishes.
Epoch Video

British restaurant app, Bookatable has taken a look at typical Christmas dinners around the world, and there are some interesting dishes. 

The unusual christmas dishes in Greenland, include “mattak” which is a whale skin with blubber. It also includes “kiviak” which is the raw flesh of birds that have been buried in seal skins for months, until completely decomposed. 

Christmas falls during the summer in Australia, so many families just head outdoors for christmas BBQ, or a feast on chilled platters of lamb, turkey or seafood. 

In Sweden, it is a christmas tradition to have a hidden almond in a rice pudding. The finder is rewarded with luck in the following year, or a prize. 

While the French enjoy feasting on “Le Réveillon” at the midnight of Christmas Eve. The other dishes that are also included are oysters, lobsters, and  foie gras. 

 A ragingly successful marketing campaign in the 1970’s, made Kentucky Fried Chicken as a christmas meal choice for Japanese diners. Families place their orders with KFC for their fried chicken, months in advance.